Sunday, May 4, 2008

New Photos!

To view some pictures that we have been taking so far on our trip, take a look here!


Danielle Sharkey said...


Jackie S. Quire said...

Hey babe,
Best way to do this, is to hi-light the word "here" and then click the little "infinity" sign in the toolbar. Then you can paste the link, and it will appear without being cut off.
Or you could just paste the full link in the text of your blog, but if you do it in the comments it will cut off the link.... like it just did.
Hope that helps!
Your blogging-obsessed sister,

Munderhay said...

I clipped my toenails the other day.
Even still, I think your life is more adventurous than mine right now.
I hope your not too deep in culture shock.