Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Manicures at the Orphanage

I never knew how much fun painted finger nails could be. Yesterday we brought some nail polish to the orphanage so we could paint the girl's nails. We had shiny pink and purple, most girls went for the pink. They sat as quietly as I've ever seen them, while we painted their finger and toe nails. After seeing the colorful fingers on the girls, the boys came over and wanted us to do theirs! We figured it's harmless (wouldnt turn them into drag queens with a little bit of pink polish) so we painted them too. Some of the boys were super pumped about their pink and purple toe nails. They followed our lead and blew their nails dry. It was really sweet. Some of the older kids would take my hands and start painting mine.
Tam, (Australian boy) and I taught at the Economic Zone today. The class commented that they wanted more time with discussions instead of reading so we got them to answer questions such as:
What are three words you would use to describe yourself?
What is your greatest accomplishment?
What is one thing you like about yourself?
( Tam wanted to ask more personal questions like :what are you looking for in a guy? What was your first kiss like? but I told him it might not be the coolest idea)
WE got them to answer the questions and read it out to the class while we helped them out with their pronounciation. They seem really appreciative of the lesson.


Jackie S. Quire said...

Hey babe,
did you offer to do the danielle-stolen-from-jackie trademark design? (the diagonals?)
You'll have the most pimped-out orphans in no time!!

On another note... did you guys feel the earthquake?

Danielle Sharkey said...

The kids were patient... but not that patient.

Danielle Sharkey said...

And no, we didnt feel the earthquake, but we see a lot of it on the news.