Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Good Morning Vietnam!

I woke up this morning a little groggy. 7 hours of sleep SHOULD be enough. It's bright sooo early here. We get picked up in about 15 minutes to be taken to the orientation day to learn all about changing diapers, lesson plans and bits about the language. It's pretty exciting. I can't wait for breakfast. I was suprised about how good the airplane food is, especially in comparison to the Air Canada slop we usually get. One thing that seems similar to our Canadian planes is lost luggage. You betcha, I arrived in DaNang with only 50% of my stuff. I have the big bag, filled with Canadian pins, Frst Aid Kit and one very large pair of blue board shorts. Thankfully I'm the type of person that packs 12 pairs of underwear in her carry on!
Looks like our transportation just got here, so I'm out!

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